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FIFA RELEASES 2018/22 RISK ASSESSMENTS | Yazdır |  e-Posta
Yönetim - Tuğrul AKŞAR
Cuma, 19 Kasım 2010 17:51

The technical assessments of the nine bidders' ability to host a World Cup are designed to help FIFA's executive committee choose the hosts in a secret ballot on December 2 in Zurich. The inspection team included Danny Jordaan, the chief executive of South Africa's organizing committee for the 2010 World Cup. The objective of the six-member panel's evaluations was to highlight concerns after making four-day visits to each bid team between July and September. Their four-day visits were characterized by rapid helicopter tours, formal dinners with political leaders and news conferences where questions from local media were not allowed. According to ESPN the 24 FIFA executive committee members who are voting on the 2018 and 2022 hosts have been provided with a confidential report judging 17 separate categories on risk - including overall operational risk. The broadcaster revealed that England, Spain/Portugal and Holland/Belgium have a 'low' overall operational risk while Russia is judged as 'medium'.

The published report concluded that Russia faced challenges on providing transport infrastructure. England, however, which has stressed it is already ready to stage the 2018 finals tomorrow, was marked down for its lack of provision of team hotels and training bases. The FIFA team found fault in Spain-Portugal's plans for security and along with the Belgium-Netherlands report, raised an old fear about co-hosting. FIFA has negative memories of its so-called "two of everything'' tournament when Japan and South Korea staged the 2002 World Cup. On Russia, the report says: "The country's vastness and its remoteness from other countries, coupled with the fact that the high speed rail network is limited ... would put pressure on the air traffic infrastructure potentially causing transfer challenges.

The Russian bid committee, however, commented by stressing the country‟s low legal risk „thanks to the comprehensive and iron-clad guarantees submitted by the Russian federal government‟ as well as the hosting concept and the commercial market potential of its bid for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The statement said that “risks in the operational area that FIFA has flagged up in their Bid Evaluation Report are already being addressed and will all be solved well ahead of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, should Russia be awarded the honour to stage the event.” Bid CEO Alexey Sorokin stated. “The unifying power of football will demonstrate to the world the social and political transformation of Russia, as well as benefitting people in Russia and abroad.” Sorokin said: “...a special assessment conducted by the Ministry of Transport, which confirms that temporary airport terminals will be constructed. This is in addition to the $42 billion of investments into airports already planned for by the Government.” Home of 143 million people, representing 180 different nationalities, Russia offers access to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia and the Far East and the bid features 16 proposed stadiums in 13 potential host cities. Nine of these stadiums are already existing or under construction or renovation. The remaining stadiums will be finished at least one and a half year ahead of the 2018 World Cup.


Among the 2022 bidding countries, Qatar is given a high overall operational risk rating. The inspectors have warned that Qatar's searing summer heat could be a "potential health risk for players, officials, the FIFA family and spectators''. Qatar bid chief executive Hassan Al-Thawadi said the issue was being addressed through air-cooling systems to operate at stadiums, training camps and viewing zones where fans will gather to watch matches on giant screens. "We are aware of the concerns expressed but we have ensured that all of them can be answered to the satisfaction of the global football family,'' Al-Thawadi said in a statement. The United States bid was marked as a "medium'' legal risk because "neither the government guarantees, the government declaration nor the government legal statement have been provided in compliance with FIFA's requirements.'' David Downs, executive director of the American bid, said changes were made "given the unique nature of the law and governmental authority in the U.S. democracy.'' The USA is a medium legal risk due to a lack of government guarantees, while inspectors say a World Cup in Australia, Japan or Korea would risk a reduction in European and American TV income. A panel of 10 experts used by SBW placed Russia as the most likely candidate for 2018 and Australia for 2022.


The Independent Guide to the International Business of Football © No reproduction in whole or part without the prior approval of the copyright holder. Bidder (s)

Good Points

Bad Points

SBW Expert Panel Points

Russia 2018

13 planned new stadia, hotels, legacy.

Huge transport challenge and major building programme needed.


England 2018

Transport, stadia, IT, security, marketing, legacy

Too few venue-specific training sites or venue-specific team hotels, too few training base camp hotels.


Spain/Portugal 2018

Stadia, transport, hotels, legacy.

Lack of clear security plan, co-hosting "a challenge''.


Netherlands/Belgium 2018

Stadia, legacy.

Too few hotel rooms, co-hosting "a challenge'', lack of government guarantees.


Qatar 2022

Novel approach to World Cup, legacy, new stadia.

June/July heat "potential health risk'', 12 stadiums located within a 20-mile radius.


Australia 2022

Legacy, security, stadia, transport infrastructure.

Shortage of contracted hotel rooms, transport challenges, risk of reduction in European and American TV income.


USA 2022

Stadia already built, hotels, transport, security.

"Medium legal risk'', lack of government guarantees.


Japan 2022

Stadia, technology developments, hotels, transport.

Security plan not fully ensured, risk of reduction in European and American TV income.


Korea 2022

Legacy - may play some games in North Korea, stadia, technology, security.

Risk of reduction in European


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2 Fenerbahçe 21  16   3 2 55  22  33


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